On my Nokia 808, having faced complete non-operation today, and even after disabling it (in Swype's own settings), trying to remove the 2.x beta version was tricky, as the usual 'Remove' app routine for Symbian didn't work first time. I had to restart the phone and then try again.
Version 1.x (in the Nokia Store) does still install under Belle FP2 (I tried it), but it doesn't integrate at all into the FP2 split keyboard system - the latter overrides Swype.
It's perhaps to be expected that betas expire at some point, though a proper warning notice would have been nice, rather than Belle FP2 users suddenly find that things just weren't working and have to diagnose the problem for themselves.
Ah well. What now for Nokia 808/701 users? No Swype, it seems, so it's back to the built-in QWERTY keyboard. This does suggest words after mistypes, but (crucially for me at least) doesn't auto-correct them on the fly (as Swype 2.x did).
Update: thanks to Claudio in the comments below - we have a fix - . Swype for Xeon (another CFW, but that's not vital here) installs and works fine on my (Delight CFW) Nokia 808, even in 2014. The usual caveats about Swype not being ideal for Messaging's conversation view apply, but otherwise Belle FP2 is up and running with Swype again!