After the software update the scanning function will be much slower(almost like DEAD SLOW) so guys please don't buy this one, instead of that I guess Netqin is good
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did not have time to find any
For the Nokia N8 after the first scan attempt my phone kept on freezing. I was worried that it may have inflicted serious damage to my software.
After numerous hard starts I looked a bit further on the internet and found that I was not the only one who had experienced problems with this tool. After turning scan off I finally managed to delete it. N8 seems to be working okay now.
The trial worked OK
I bought this program from after I had tried the trial, when I installed it and tried to activate it, it just destroyed my Operating System. All my phone would do was "start" "freeze" "restart" "freeze" "restart" "freeze" etc.
A mobile phone destroyer. Kaspersky denied all responsibility saying people put into ther phones what they want to and we have no control over that, our terms and conditions state that we are not responsible for any damage or malfunction our software may cause. I had to send my phone of to get my Operating System reinstalled. So be warned if you install this program on your phone and any thing goes wrong you are on your own, you will NOT get any help from Kaspersky.
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I didn't kill me or anyone I know
Slows down older smartphones
Trial cannot be uninstalled with doing a hard reset
I installed the trial but it slows down my phone too much.
When trying to uninstall there is a serious issue in the software. It requests a password that was never set. To recover the password it requires an email address that was never registered. Nothing but frustration.
You get 7 days of protection...
Its only 7 days...
Easy install. User interface seems simple enough. What the heck can you really learn about something in 7 days? And why pay for mobile protection? Too many excellent products out there (free) to pay for one. I.M.O.
Can block unwanted callers
Anti-spam filters
Feature to find lost phone