I realize that this has been requested on a number of occasions, but I believe I am speaking for us all when I say that your old Symbian subscribers are standing with their backs up against the wall regarding your mobile support.
I wasn't sure whether I should laugh or cry when a search for "Symbian" within this forum returned the answer: "Do you mean Symbol". This goes a long way to prove the degree to which the Symbian community has been forgotten. Indeed, the "newest" provided version of Spotify for Symbian (as far as I know) is, which was released back in 2009.
I will grant you that it has worked well for years, until two weeks ago (more or less) when the application ceased to go online anymore.
As a result, all of your long-faithful Symbian subscribers will have their favorite music expiring on their respective devices. You can read the related discussion over at your community help forums.
TL;DR - So our request is, in short; please don't pull the plug on Symbian, and please, update the old, long-served application.