What does 12-megapixels, Carl Zeiss optics and a Xenon flash get you? If you’re the Nokia N8 it gets you arguably class-leading photo abilities. Over at Nokia’s official blog they’ve shared some untouched, unedited sample images taken with the new smartphone, and they’re looking surprisingly good.
Check out sample shots from the N8 after the cut
To our untrained eyes the results look pretty darn special, particularly when you consider they were a) taken on a cellphone, and b) on a cellphone running non-finalized firmware. Particularly impressive is the color saturation, and though when viewed at full-size there’s some fuzziness around edges, that’s not something you particularly see when at more manageable scales.
Meanwhile Nokia have added the N8’s full specifications to their product database, together with throwing up links and guides to Qt development for the smartphone. Confirmed is a 680MHz ARM11 processor, 3D Graphics HW Accelerator with OpenGL-ES 2.0 support, and plans to launch the N8 not only in Europe but in North America, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East and China. The N8 is set to go on sale this summer.